Friday, October 30, 2015

Reconciliation Talks at VA tomorrow and Unity Sunday plus Agent Orange Month

Reconciliation techniques to help Charleston Heal from the massacre
Dr. John knows what dehumanization is from calling the "enemy" "gooks" to using the "n word"!
Unity Charleston: Dr. john Fisher who will be doing a workshp on Nov. 1 at 2pm on My theme is Community Reconciliation which can be interpreted with several meanings/angles. I am a Vietnam veteran who has traveled back to the land of my nightmares a dozen times for reconciliation and healing for both myself and for my country.Community Reconciliation

Dr John Fisher Nov 1 2pm Love Offering
Dr. John Fisher’s workshop on Community Reconciliation can be interpreted with several meanings/angles. He is a Vietnam veteran who has traveled back to the land of his nightmares a dozen times for reconciliation and healing for both himself and for his country.

Dr. Fisher is the director of CORE (Community Reconciliation) Viet Nam and leads trips to Viet Nam. He is a National speaker representing natural holistic methodology for healing PTSD in America.

CORE Viet Nam gives American veterans and civilians opportunities to learn from a war-torn culture the ways of reconciliation, healing and peace.
Bonnie Merkel
I just read a post that said that October is "agent orange" month. How many out there even know what "agent orange" is? This post was very timely, because our class of "65" fellow classmate, David Scanlin past away this morning around 4. He was one of the many catastrophes of the Vietnam war. He was a lnguist during his years of duty in the Army. He was a great guy, and the one who gave me my first kiss in kindergarten, and my lifetime playmate. We even went to one of his last class reunions together. David was one of the sufferers from "agent orange". Once diagnosed, his health continue to go downhill. He lived in a veterans hospital for many, many of his last years. He suffered cancer, a stroke, kidney failure, and who knows what else.It has been difficult for his 5 siblings watch their brother deteriorate over the years. Lucky for him; he had a very supportive, caring family, who did everything they could to make sure his care through the VA was the best. He will be missed by all of us who knew him, and I know many of you have great stories to share about David. He is another one of the many war heroes and casualties. I am brought to tears when I think of what a useless war of which we have had many; causes such pain and sadness to many and their families. Vets are always proud of their service to their country, but at what cost? Someone recently suggested that we put pictures of our veteran heroes on the front of the Wheaties boxes. I think that would be wonderful. I would like David to be one of them. David was one of my heroes. I don't know if I said this right, but it is my attempt at a eulogy. My heart goes out to his family, and it would be good to his brother and 4 sisters in your prayers for strength and courage to go through their loss.

Ron Alexander I am so sorry, Bonnie. Several of the vets. in the hospice are victims of this chemical agent (a herbacide) dumped all over Vietnam to clear out the jungle so they would not have a place to hide! It is still over there now infecting the third generation - babies born with defects because of it. Nixon promised to clean it up at the Paris Peace Accords but did not carry out his promise. I have a Vietnam Vet. friend Dr. John Wesley Fisher who takes vets. back every year to work in clinics with these poor victims. I have him speaking tomorrow at the VA telling about his trips and reconciliation therapy. He has written several books, and he is also speaking at 11 tomorrow at the VA auditorium and you are welcome to come. Also I have him scheduled to give workshop at Unity at 2 PM on Sunday on same subject. You are most welcome there too! peace, ron

Dr. John knows what dehumanization is from calling the "enemy" "gooks" to using the "n word"!

Unity Charleston: Dr. john Fisher who will be doing a workshp on Nov. 1 at 2pm on My theme is Community Reconciliation which can be  interpreted with several meanings/angles. I am a Vietnam veteran who has traveled back to the land of my nightmares a dozen times for reconciliation and healing for both myself and for my country. 

Community Reconciliation
Dr John Fisher Nov 1 2pm Love Offering
 Dr. John Fisher’s workshop on Community Reconciliation can be  interpreted with several meanings/angles. He is a Vietnam veteran who has traveled back to the land of his nightmares a dozen times for reconciliation and healing for both himself and for his country. 
Dr. Fisher is the director of CORE (Community Reconciliation) Viet Nam and leads trips to Viet Nam. He is a National speaker representing natural holistic methodology for healing PTSD in America.
CORE Viet Nam gives American veterans and civilians opportunities to learn from a war-torn culture the ways of reconciliation, healing and peace. 


Director CORE (Community Reconciliation) Viet Nam


All books available at local and on-line bookstores worldwide.
Autographed copies at

Senior Veteran Liaison for Soldier's Heart

"Forgive thy enemy... be reconciled to him... give him assistance... invite God in his behalf... never forget kindness." - Confucius

 "Tha thứ cho kẻ thù của bạn... hoà giải với anh ta... giúp đỡ anh ta... thay anh ta cầu Chúa... không quên điều thiện." - Khổng Tử


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