Monday, September 28, 2015

Sweet Surrender

Sweet Surrender: The Elegant Act of Letting Go

For today's Inner Happy Hour, we share an excerpt from author Shannon Kaiser's book, Adventures for Your Soul: 21 Ways to Transform Your Habits and Reach Your Full Potential on letting go of expectations:

"We often worry that we have somehow gotten off course. We think that perhaps our life is off track, and we have made mistakes that are unfixable. Maybe you worry that you aren’t quite where you think you should be, whether it is the job you thought you’d have by this age, the relationship status, or where you would be living at this time in your life. If you aren’t where you thought you’d be, you may feel like a failure. I call this destination disaster, the feeling that our life is off track. This never-ending cycle keeps us constantly reaching for expectations that we have placed upon ourselves. These expectations are usually derived from unmet needs, and our mind tells us this is what we must do, be, accomplish in order to be fulfilled. If, for any reason, life doesn’t go along with our plans, we take the blame and feel like a failure.
When you let go of who you THINK you are supposed to be, the universe can swoop in and help you become who you are really MEANT to be. If you feel like you are off track and constantly playing catch‑up to some ideal set forth for your life, the best thing to do is Sweet Surrender.
Surrender is not giving up or saying that everything is perfectly okay; it is the willingness to let yourself energetically off the hook of trying to control the outcome. It is exhausting to try to be in charge all the time, which is why Sweet Surrender is your key to happiness. Surrendering is recognizing and accepting what you can’t change. We do this by releasing expectations."
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