Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Introduction to New Book (s) Group (revised)


Ron Alexander

“Not until we are ready to move BEYOND FEAR will we be able to heal one of the most devastating illnesses of this century’—racial hatred and separation. The Clotteys have placed the keys in our hands. The door that leads to healing is now opened. What a blessing.”  --Iylana Vanzant  author of ONE DAY MY SOUL JUST OPENED UP.

BEYOND FEAR by Aeeshah and Kokomon Clottey and AWAKENING LOVING-KINDNESS by Pema Chodron are two books with the same purpose - to move beyond fear starting with the process of self-acceptance.

In BEYOND FEAR, “…as we work with each principle of Attitudinal Healing and make it our own, we will truly experience that the essence of our being is love. This is what the work of racial healing brings to us—the center and core of our being.”(p.170) In AWAKENING, Chodron writes “In meditation”…”you would probably see that you do all those things for which you criticize all those people you don’t like in your life, all those people you judge. Basically, making friends with yourself is making friends with all those people too, because they come to have this kind of honesty, gentleness and goodheartedness, combined with clarity about yourself, there is no obstacle to feeling loving-kindness for others as well.”(p.5, 6)

BEYOND FEAR is more of an intellectual, conceptual approach, while AWAKENING… is more of a m non-conceptual meditative approach. Just as the Clottey’s later brought drumming to their healing circles (“We begin each healing racism circle with group drumming to help us come together in unity on the deepest level.” p. 202). Bringing in meditation from Chodron’s AWAKENING… can add a mindful dimension to our book group.

To begin each group, we will meditate after reading some of AWAKENING, that can bring us to a feeling of unity/oneness in the present moment. We can then start reading the book BEYOND FEAR more mindfully. Mindfulness is all about being aware in the moment. (To be mindful is to be fully alive in the present moment, one with those around you and with what you are doing. Life can only take place in the present moment. But we have the habit to run away from it. This is due to our own anxiousness and fear of our loneliness. Thich Nhat Hanh). We can get beyond beliefs (thoughts) and learn the very valuable principles from BEYOND FEAR by experiencing them. (Two principles of Attitudinal Healing emphasize being in the present: “we can let go of the past and the future.” (#4). “Now is the only time there is and each instant is for giving.” (#5)

Mindfully experiencing the sacred wisdom of BEYOND FEAR helps bring about the deep healing that we all want. For that end, we will end the two hour group with another 5 min. meditation, and then holding hands in a circle with Unity song or chant One Race, The Human Race, We are all One People.

For the introduction, we will have the soothing flute-playing and the reading of her magnificent poem The Nine by Cerantha. We may have more of these spiritually uplifting interludes during the meetings.

There will be a ten minute break after first hour. Please bring snacks to share and your own drinks.

“The holiest spot on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a sacred love.” ACIM

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