Saturday, September 5, 2015

Being who you are is your gift to the universe - let the words or colors spill out

If the words you speak come from a deeper place,
it matters not if you find agreement....
If what you create has been birthed from some indescribable void,
approval is not necessary.
If what you are is authentic,
the world will be better because of it.
Somewhere in the vastness of it all,
it resonates.
Some place in the mists,
it is being honored.
So if Spirit is grabbing at you to write,
let the words pour forth.
if you are being led to dance,

let the movement lead you.
If the colors are pulsing in your heart,
let them spill onto the canvas.

Your unique voice is calling you.
Being who you are is your gift to the universe
Peace on your path,
love as you go,
Tracy, Soul Beckons

Ron Alexander's photo.

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