Friday, September 4, 2015

Diversity in Oneness

Steve Farrell interviewed our special guest, Steve Bhaerman, in this intellectually stimulating and inspirational call. Steve Bhaerman spoke eloquently on the topic of diversity in Oneness and making the decision to live our lives as an embodiment of Oneness. What does it mean to live as One? He invited us to ask ourselves this question and live into the answer. He also spoke about the "cultural creatives" who now make up 1/3rd of the population, those of us who are able to visualize and embody the new paradigm of Oneness. Later in the call, he answered an insightful question from one of our listeners on whether children today are being born mo re evolutionarily advanced. And, of course, the Swami couldn't help but come out at the end of the call!

Webcast Replay Page:
Webcast/Replay Page Password: oneness

Pearls of wisdom from Steve Bhaerman...

“One of the aspects of Oneness is diversity, so the overriding realization is that we are all connected at the heart. Inside this Oneness, each of us is totally unique, just like everybody else. We express our love in unique ways.”

“This spontaneous evolution -- the spontaneous re-mission -- is something that has to do with our own individual choices, which we call “spontaneous re-missioning.” [We are] shifting our mission from unconsciously perpetuating the perceptions, structures, and behaviors that are connected with the illusion of separation, and instead beginning to live our lives, and support institutions, as if we were One.”

“Part of the power of laughter is to expand our ideas of what is possible.”

Praise and Gratitude from our listeners...

“Such deep gratitude to you, Steve times 2, for your dialogue this morning!! of special significance to us was the evolutionary journey of 'us' from fish to reptile to bird to hu~mammal! wowser!! :) :) thank you for sharing all of your gifts with us!!
~Helen Heronheart and Conrado Shamandero - SEQUIM

“Thank you love this information.”
~Muriel  - Fresno

“Fabulous! Thank you both for today's wonderful sharing! I suppose I should say all THREE adding the Swami! With Love & Laughter!
~Bud - Reno, NV

“Thank you for this amazing, inspirational & fun call! What a gift of love! Thank you, and bless you!!”
~Betty - Richmond

In Oneness and Joy,

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