Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Dismantling the VA - a sickening idea - because the rich want to make it a private profit-making institution!

Ron -

I started VoteVets shortly after returning from Iraq because progressive veterans needed a voice supporting leaders who recognize the cost of sending our men and women overseas continues long after we return home.

We've enjoyed great success over the years. That must be why the Koch Brothers are funding a massive organization to replicate our efforts, but with a focus on privatizing veterans' health care. And they are very dangerous.

Concerned Veterans for America has almost unlimited money and are touring early primary states with the leading Republican presidential candidates talking about their vision for dismantling the VA. And they're already on the air against progressive veterans like retired Admiral Joe Sestak and Congressman Tim Walz. ! 

 Contribute $10 before tomorrow's FEC deadline and help us take on the Koch Brothers' funded Concerned Veterans for America.

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