Monday, September 21, 2015

A Recording on "America After Charleston" Examines New Dialog on Race (partial recording of my voice)

It’s been three months since a lone white gunman killed nine worshipers at a Bible study at Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church. Tonight (9/21) at 9 p.m., PBS|By Tut Underwood
My voice is recorded here "As a white man, my main purpose in life right now , is to get out of denial, unlearn the racism I learned growing up here in the South, and help others do the same.
This is was not recorded - Gwen then asked me how I came to that thinking. I replied "grief, I think." "What are you going to do now" she inquired. I told her to "unlearn what I was taught, and then teach right."
This is a short 4 minute listen, and again I was honored to be a part of this dialog.

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