Monday, August 31, 2015

Twelve Spiritual Keys to Racial Healing

Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing Used in Beyond Fear
(See them as stepping stones to experiencing our Higher Self, "Space", "Emptiness", Inner Christ, Divine Flame, Buddha Nature, Source, Inner Being, Great Spirit which leads to "Beyond Belief" as Rev. Ed pointed out Sunday)

1. The essence of our being is love.

2. Health is inner peace, healing is letting go of fear.

3. Giving and receiving are the same.

4. We can let go of the past and the future.

5. Now is the only time there is and each instant is forgiving.
6. We can learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather than judging.

7. We can become love-finders rather than fault-finders.

8. We can choose and direct ourselves to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside.

9. We are students and teachers to each other.
10. We can focus on the whole of life rather than the fragments.

11. Since love is eternal, death need not be viewed as fearful.

12. We can always perceive others as either extending love or giving a call for help.

Pema Chodron in AWAKENING LOVING-KINDNESS comes from a non-conceptual way - sitting in meditation to the same goal - losing the fear. Her teaching is a good balance to the teaching in BEYOND FEAR.

"Love is looking beyond appearances, beyond personalities--and beyond our perceptions of ourselves and others. The most prevalent obstacle to the awareness of love is our own self-doubt, our own feelings of unworthiness, of superiority or inferiority. This principle challenges us to explore and know the truth that we can choose how we feel about ourselves and others. Through the power of love, we can change our minds; we can take the next step on our journey of racial healing."  p. 81, BEYOND FEAR

"...Meditation practice isn't about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It is about befriending who we are already. The ground of practice  is you or me or whoever we are right now, just as we are. That's the ground, that's what we study, and that's what we come to know with tremendous curiosity and interest." p. 3 AWAKENING LOVING-KINDNESS

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