Monday, August 24, 2015

Qigong literally means "Life Energy Cultivation."

Dear Ron,

A remarkable number of popular and effective modern holistic modalities are based on Qigong, a set of ancient practices developed in China. Qigong literally means "Life Energy Cultivation."

Over the millennia, Qigong masters have honed practices involving intention, energy and movement that work with the body's subtle energy fields. The result is a discipline perfectly tuned for our modern lives -- a practice that empowers our physical healing, mind expansion and spiritual transformation.

So I'm excited to invite you to learn more from esteemed Qigong master, teacher and healer Mingtong Gu, during a free virtual event on Wednesday, August 26, called: Transforming Stress & Disease Through Qigong: How to Release Old Blockages & Heal Your Body, Emotions & Mind.

You can automatically reserve your complimentary space, here:

Transforming Stress & Disease Through Qigong: How to Release Old Blockages & Heal Your Body, Emotions & Mind.

Mingtong, who studied and apprenticed in his native China, is among the foremost teachers of Qigong in the West. In this session, he'll teach you how to take "energetic care" of your body and lay the foundations for a long and vital life through this time-honored practice.

Mingtong has his offices here on campus with The Shift Network and he's always a radiant, positive presence. He really emanates love and well-being... and truly "walks his talk."

During this illuminating and practical hour with him (which we'll actually be doing on video!), you'll learn to:
  • Circulate more Qi to weaker parts of the body
  • Use specific sounds to activate your organs
  • Engage with Qigong to transform and release emotions
Join me and discover how to connect with the powerful energy (Qi) that supports physical healing and vitality and nourishes your soul!

Click below and you'll be automatically registered -- at no charge:

Transforming Stress & Disease Through Qigong: How to Release Old Blockages & Heal Your Body, Emotions & Mind.

Transforming Stress & Disease Through Qigong: How to Release Old Blockages & Heal Your Body, Emotions & Mind.

Ron Alexander's photo.

Ron Alexander's photo.

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