Saturday, August 1, 2015

Our own Steve Farrell combining with Patricia Cota-Robles
Dear Ron,
For over four decades Patricia Cota-Robles has been helping souls to remember the magnificence of who they are, so they can take charge of their lives. Join Patricia and Steve Farrell for a compelling discussion on Thursday, August 6, 2015 at 9:00am Los Angeles CA time. By popular demand, this call will be 90 minutes and in the last thirty minutes, we will take questions and comments from our listeners.
Register for the call:
 To find the time in your area:
Steve will also ask Patricia questions regarding the awakened person.  Patricia writes:
The Company of Heaven is flooding the mental and emotional strata of this Planet with the profound Truth that this is the most critical, wondrous, and unprecedented time Humanity and the Earth have ever experienced. As a result of this influx of sacred knowledge, which is filtering into the conscious minds and the hearts of the millions of people who are Awakening every single day, people everywhere are sensing that THEIR TIME IS AT HAND. The interpretation of what this Inner Knowing means is dependent on how Awakened a person is.

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