Monday, August 17, 2015

Eden James, Democracy for America to you (Joe Lieberman - war hawk)

Ron --

In the aftermath of Sen. Chuck Schumer's announcement that he will oppose President Obama's Iran Deal, right-wing hawks smell blood and are going on the attack.

From the Joe Lieberman-led, billionaire-backed "United Against Nuclear Iran" and AIPAC to FOX News and The National Review, neo-conservatives are on the warpath and hoping that the progressive coalition fighting for peace will fall apart in the face of dissent from the more hawkish elements in the Democratic Party.

But progressives aren't caving -- we're fighting back.
After Sen. Schumer's announcement, Democracy for America, MoveOn, CREDO, Daily Kos, Win Without War and several other progressive movement organizations made it immediately clear to the media and to all Democrats in Congress: We're not going to let the same war hawks who manipulated our country into invading Iraq get us into another unnecessary war in the Middle East.

Together, we've launched a new website,, to build grassroots pressure on congressmembers to vote in favor of the Iran deal -- and organized actions at dozens of congressional town halls across the country. Spearheaded by MoveOn, the site represents a coalition of more than 15 million Americans standing strong in support of the Iran deal

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