Monday, August 3, 2015

Day 22 – Achieving Wholeness

Welcome to the bonus day of our 21-Day Meditation Experience. Today we offer a special guided meditation to show you that wholeness isn’t a concept to understand or an idea to believe in. Wholeness is the experiential reality that your life is inextricably connected to everyone and everything else in the universe. There are no sharp boundaries in your consciousness that separates you from universal consciousness. You are that wholeness.
Thank you and if everything is included in our wholeness, then it must include the "egoself" - thanks so much for all the rest, ron "There is no part of me that is junk."

Our centering thought for today is:
Separation is an illusion. I am whole and complete.

"This is a wonderful day. I've never seen this one before."  — Maya Angelou


Aham Brahmasmi
The true nature of my self is the wholeness of the universe.
Ron Alexander's photo.

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