Monday, August 24, 2015

Beyond Fear (Twelve Spiritual Keys to Racial Healing) & Awakening Loving-kindness

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Addressing racism in a distinctively different way, this seminal work presents a refreshing new
vision of the internal peace that is possible for each individual, and ultimately for our society as a whole.                   
 by Aeeshah Ababio-Clottey (Author), Kokomon Clottey (Author), Marianne Williamson (Foreword)                  
Foreword by Marianne Williamson: Only Love Can Set Us Free
Aeesha and Kokomon have journeyed to the Love that heals the racial heart.  I am for one grateful for their direction. I know what this book has done for me, and my friends, who share with me for the vision for an America that has healed itself. If enough of us read this book and practice it principles, then America will have its miracle. as it says in A Course in Miracles, "The holiest spot on earth is where an ancient hatred becomes a present love." In that sense, what you hold in your hands is a holy book. Lets take it to our hearts. There is so very, very much at stake. 
Awakening - Loving Kindness, Pema Chodron   Based on talks given during a one-month meditation retreat at Gampo Abbey, this book contains teachings that were intended to inspire and encourage practitioners to remain wholeheartedly awake to everything that occurs and to use the abundant material of daily life as their primary teacher and guide. The message for the retreat participants—and for the reader as well—is to be with oneself without embarrassment or harshness. This is instruction on how to love oneself and one's world.
Two completely type of books with same goal : "Love is letting go of Fear" (an Attitudinal Healing Principle) Aeeshah studied with Dr. Jerry Jampolsky of the Center for Attitudinal Healing, and created the Oakland Center for A. H. which is probably the most successful one in the country. She and her famous African Drummer Teacher Husband Kokomon combine to dynamically teach us how love can set us free. I worked at the Center, when it was in Tiburon - helping set up a Program for life-threatened Young Adults. And would travel to Oakland to take part in their Racial Healing Groups bi-weekly. That job was the best one I have ever had - those Young Adults wanted to LIVE and they were the best at being in the present I have ever been with.  I took them to Yosemite, river-rafting, sailing on the Tall Ship The Californian, Monterey Aquarium, Kayaking, through the gorgeous Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias (where the famous tunnel through a tree photo originates), Stagecoach riding, on a smaller sailboat in San Francisco Bay, etc.
Pema teaches us to embrace ourselves during our meditation - tiny booklet - we will start off reading a bit from AWAKENING, and then do a 5 min. meditation before starting on BEYOND FEAR.
Victor Frankly reminds us of the importance of our attitudes = Ron Alexander's photo.
 I have come up with Pro-Oneness as opposed to anti-racism, such as pro-peace as opposed to anti-war. As a Southern white man brought up learning sexism and racism, I have definitely been part of problem, so I feel I need to ask for forgiveness, and help other Whites realize their privilege and heal from it. I say "heal" because I believe racism is based on fear, which causes stress, and many diseases are stress-related. ONE RACE, THE HUMAN RACE, WE ARE ALL ONE PEOPLE. The woman who was chanting that, and who I joined on the Bridge to Peace Unity Chain for Emanuel AME Church is coming tomorrow, and she has a terrific poem taking that chant into more depth.

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