Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Awareness of Spiritual Laws more important than working harder (The Life of God (Love) is perfect and eternal.)

A master's awareness of spiritual laws, Ron, directs him or her to manifest major life changes by working with their thoughts, not by working harder.

Which isn't to say they don't sometimes work very long hours, because they do; they just don't think of it as work. Which also isn't to say they all have cool jobs that anyone would love, because they don't; they just see every task before them, no matter where they work, as a gift to unwrap.

    The Universe

Here are some Spiritual Laws that are very important:
The Life of God (Love) is perfect and eternal. Love is the Essence of everything there is. Life is Love's (God's) gift to you. You are always in the midst of Life, a Life Force (Energy) that lives eternally and is in us now. Therefore, do not be disturbed by the passage of time, the movement around you, nor the variations of your experience. There is something within you that remains unmovable, always speaks directly to you, saying, Be Still  and Know that I AM!
Say: Consciously, I draw upon Life that is mine. I know that the fullness of Life--which is Divine in Its' origin, eternal in Its presence, and forever available--is mine. The Life of eternal Spirit is my Life!
The infinite riches of Its being are mine to enjoy. The vitality, the wisdom, and the peace of God are mine. I accept them in fullness, in joy and in peace. My thought is a gateway to illumination; it is the secret place of the most High within me. Therefore I revel in the fullness of life this moment. I accept life as a glorious experience, a spiritual adventure. Ernest Holmes paraphrased by Ron Alexander

Diana A Robbins: And then, walk in the strength of that energy. Don't rely on mere repetitions to do the work. Intent is everything, giving the energy for the walk. Be still and know and feel the flow--that within we have the very powerhouse of Love. heart emoticon Thank you, Ron!

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