Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Aeeshah and Kokomon' powerful BEYOND FEAR'S dedication and from Marianne Williamson's Introduction

      We humbly dedicate this book to the millions of Africans who died in the middle passage, to the 6 million Jews who died in the European Holocaust, to the millions of Native Americans killed during the opening of the West., and to the millions who died in needless wars. This is but a token of what you deserve. We ask for your forgiveness, for we have met the enemy in us.
We are writing this book because it is our own desire to be whole, healed human beings who are in touch with our reason for being here and our purpose in life here on earth--and our primary purpose to share love.  Aeeshah Ababio Clottery and Kokomon Clottey
This is not a time in America to minimize our antagonisms or pretend they don't exist. This is a time for serious people to try with intelligence and heart, to build bridges. The most important reconciliation needed in America today is in the area of race. With a nation, as with an individual, amends are necessary to free the psyche and allow it to move on.          Marianne Williamson The Healing of America
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The World is watching Charleston. Cerantha (Cerantha is a Native American Style Flute Player/Poet. She joined us at One Heart, One City and read a magnificent poem The Nine and played her soothing flute for us. I am happy to announce she will join our book group.)
Below is One People Lornabelle Gethers  ( (Lornabelle was the woman leading the chant on the bridge to Peace walk. "One Race, the human Race, we are One People.)   I hope she and her partner will join the group also - see info. below
Yvonne Hughley Price's photo.
We are One People
Some choose to call it Southern pride,
But racism is alive, it has never died.
Killed our preachers, family and friends,
So kill it now with love, equality - bring it to an end!
It starts with the one looking back at you in the mirror, So be a light of change and not that of a dimmer.
Look at yourself and let's end all of this confusion'
Because without your part there can be no evolution.
Enough of the chit chat, enough of the chatter,
Get it in your heart that black lives do matter.
Do your part to stop racism, hatred and murders,
Start with yourself first and then we can look a little further.
Stop the racist jokes, no more sheets and sacks,
Look past the differences, your white or black,
Set aside your prejudice, the mentality of the pack,
Treat everyone the same, or you ain't doing jack,
But feeding into the hatred of days that should've long ago passed.
Do the right thing always, even if against the mass.
Learn to love one another and be your brother's keeper,
Sow some goodness in this earth, because we all will be the reaper.
Treat everyone right, before things get more lethal,
We all bleed red, so we should all be one people!

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