Wednesday, July 22, 2015

True Patriots want US to quit fighting stupid wars

Amarnath Zin:
due to greed & ruthlessness America has been and is a war economy ~ which mainly benefits the wealthy ~ the wealthy create the wars intentionally ~ send the poor young men to die ~ and then don't even take care of the Veterans ~ while hypocritically glorifying patriotism.
True patriots want their country to do right - I am not anti-war, I am pro-peace and anti "stupid" war like we have been doing since WW11, where I am proud of my Father fighting for us. I am a veteran and my Brother was killed in Vietnam, which like Iraq and Afghanistan was a very stupid war. YOU HAVE TO REALIZE WE CREATE TERRORISTS WHO HATE US IN THESE TYPES OF WARS. WE CREATED THE KHMER ROUGE IN CAMBODIA. WE CREATED ISIS! Ron Alexander
David Wolfe's photo.

 I am proud of my relatives who fought in Revolutionary, War of 1812, WW1 and WW 11, and I never condemn soldiers or veterans from any of the wars! It is not our/their fault! It is the greedy power-hungry wealthy who want to increase their pocket book! Cheney even said taxpayers would not have to pay because of Iraq''s oil! Ron Alexander

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