Saturday, July 18, 2015

These politicians who would "bomb" Iran are so ignorant!

These politicians who would "bomb" Iran are so ignorant! When is the last "war' we have "won" - not any lately! Just common sense awareness is all that is needed to support President's diplomatic well-thought out efforts. "Ignoramuses" is the best title I could give mostly repubs! Ron Alexander
Terry Orr: I know it's hard to believe, but most people around the world really would rather not hate the United States. Mainly, the ball is in our court to eliminate our self-rightious hypocrisies and greedy capitalistic meddling in the affairs of others. Then, lo and behold, we might actually gain friends and allies instead of sending our young people off to die for causes that defy rationality.
Very well said, thanks Terry Orr!
James Buik Have to go to war...WHY...because Israel tells us we have to...thats an extremely lame reason. Time for the USA to man up & stop being Israel's "lap dog."
Being Liberal's photo.

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