Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Man who gave me the best job I have ever had!

Thoughts on Life from my 90th Year
by Gerald Jampolsky, M.D.

February, 2015
As many of you know, I happily became 90 years young on Feb 11th. What most of you probably don’t know is that I became an eight-hour a day – five days a week student on January 7th for seven weeks.
I have advanced glaucoma and through my VA medical benefits, I became a residential student at the VA Western Blind Rehabilitation Center for low to no vision self-reliance in all aspects of life. I learned everything from safety, mobility, solo travelling, to personal, home, and office organization to technology with my computer, iPhone, and over a dozen other ingenious independence-enhancing gadgets.
When people ask me how my vision is, I tell them that my spiritual vision is getting better all the time.
Attitudinal Healing has been extremely helpful along the way. I have always known that it is important for our own healing, but never did I imagine that it would be so important at this stage in my life. I have never felt psychologically or emotionally better nor have I ever been happier than I am today. I do my best to practice the Principles of Attitudinal Healing every day and I continue to remind myself that my attitude is everything.

Seeing through the eyes of Love
I do not feel like I am a victim of the world I see or experience with my eyes. The first Principle, “ the Essence of my Being is Love” continues to reinforce my belief that my true identity is a spiritual one and not limited to just being in a body. I continue to remind myself as best as I can that my mind knows no limitations; that I am not my past or future; and that I can choose to live and love in the present each and every day. Attitudinal Healing has helped remind me that when I am in a consciousness of giving, when I am practicing forgiveness and free of judgments of others and myself, I am at my happiest.
Am I happy and peaceful all the time? No. I know I am still a work in progress. But I feel I am doing a pretty good job at not getting stuck in guilt and blame and shame and I am not listening to my ego’s voice of fear, conflict, and despair.
There is no way of sharing with you how full my heart is with gratitude for so many people who have proven to be my teachers. The original children at the first Center for Attitudinal Healing in Tiburon, California, are the reasons I got over my fear of dying. They showed me the way to really live through their courage and insights.
I stopped drinking alcohol during the same time, in 1975, and if I had not done that, I do not believe I would now be in physical form.
My life partner and my love, Diane, has been an amazing teacher of patience and gentleness and forgiveness over these last 34 years. In sharing our joint spiritual journey and commitment to practicing the Principles, our relationship and our marriage grows deeper daily.
I continue to practice giving up all of my judgments and seeing the Light in everyone by saying to myself, “Your Light is all that I see and is but a reflection of the Light in me.”
Lastly, I want to share that when I was a kid, people tended to pass on in their late fifties or sixties. I have never experienced age as a number. I am blessed beyond words with all the experiences and the love that continues to be extended to me on my life’s journey from the thousands of people I have met. My gratitude has no measure.
Jerry Jampolsky
That job was the creator and director of the Life-threatened Young Adult Program at his Center for Attitudinal Healing when it was in Tiburon, CA. And now motivated to work at the VA hospice, because of that job. I am very grateful, thank you Dr. Jerry!

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