Friday, July 31, 2015

Peace Amidst the Storm

MaryRose Winkler's photo.
Eric Gibson I am so incredibly happy for you; yes count me in; ... I stand by your side always in peace & love forever Eric.…

  • Eric Gibson Thank you so much ,Mom said after my work is done I can go out to play,Im going out to play today,lol

  • Ron Alexander YEAH! It is never too late to have a happy childhood.

  • Ron Alexander I am meeting with a writing group tomorrow at a Congregational church to dialogue about how we can help with solutions in healing racism. There is one race, the human race, we are all one people. Eric Gibson!

  • Ron Alexander Click on Eric's website above for more info: Finding Peace Amidst the Storm COMING SOON!!
    by Eric Gibson

  • Ron Alexander ONE RACE, THE HUMAN RACE, WE ARE ALL ONE PEOPLE.The woman who was chanting that, and who I joined on the Bridge to Peace Unity Chain for Emanuel AME Church is coming tomorrow, and she has a terrific poem taking that chant into more depth. Eric Gibson

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