Monday, July 6, 2015

How do you express gratitude in your life?

July 6th, 2015
How do you express gratitude in your life? Do you arise with the sun each morning and give thanks to Creator for this incredible planet and your beautiful life on it? Do you give thanks for the blessings that you receive throughout the day? Are you thoughtful in expressing your thanks to anyone who assists you and are eager to create an equal energy exchange with them in whatever way you feel is best?

Generally gratitude also entails being generous with your time and your abundance. These two in combination are perhaps the greatest determinant of your happiness. Have you ever experienced someone who is both grateful and generous who is a miserable person? It seldom happens. Yet if you remove gratitude and generosity what kind of person are you likely to experience? Most often the absence of these two leads to a life of misery and loneliness. Why not make today one that is especially infused with both gratitude and generosity? Not only will doing so ensure your joy but it will bring a spark of light to everyone you touch.
--Ted Murray

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