Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 18 - The Rewards of the Higher Self

“You will never accept gratitude as a solution to your problems, until you have reached acceptance.” ― Shannon L. Alder 
In today’s meditation, we explore the benefits of living from your higher self. Living from your higher self means your sense of identity is rooted in your inner awareness rather than your separate self, or ego, which is oriented toward objects of perception.
The higher self is who we are. It is our self-awareness and so it is always with us. The reward of the higher self is a life liberated from the demands, fears, and limitations of the separate self or ego mind. Practicing gratitude and appreciation helps to keep awareness aligned to the higher self because we remain focused on the unifying and uplifting qualities of consciousness, instead of allowing attention to get trapped in differences.

The Rewards of the Higher Self


My higher self is with me all the time.


Sanatana Hum
I experience myself as ever-present.

Ah, the poor demonized "ego" - our ego becomes out of balance when we feel a weak sense of self - this "ego" is trying to help us feel better about ourselves - compensating. Going back to the original definition of ego - it is the CONSCIOUS connection between the id (our lower self or lower brain) and our Higher Self. What part of you is thinking when you put down the "ego". How simple life would be if we could just divide ourselves between our "lower self - ego" and Higher Self. Unconditional LOVE includes ALL. The "ego" is not "satan". The "devil" made me do it - in your shallow terminology, the "ego" made me do it. I am not a victim of the "ego" that I SEE! Seeing the "ego" is seeing it as an inner 2 year old, which needs constant watching with loving but tough boundaries.
Ron Alexander-
I have been in two ashrams, with silent "Gurus" who were supposed to be without "egos". Believe me one cannot operate in the world without it. With all their support, they still had strong "egos" demanding more and more "service" from their servants. One cannot be present in this dimension without our ego and body for that matter! Be grateful for your 'operating mechanism", so you can be here now!

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