Monday, July 27, 2015

Day 15 Seeing the Big Picture, Becoming the Big Picture


By living my wholeness, I become complete.


Om Purnam Idam
Individuality is wholeness.

Living in grace is for everyone, not just for those who feel called to a secluded life of prayer and devotion. Grace is everywhere all the time. To fully live in the state of grace only requires that we allow our true self to shine forth.
In today’s meditation, we learn that we attain this state by simply being it, which means we naturally and effortless live an open life of gratitude. That is how we become a complete person. We embody a life in grace by acting from a spirit of generosity and wholeness.
Ron Alexander's photo.
 In today’s meditation, we learn that we attain this state by simply being it, which means we naturally and effortless live an open life of gratitude. That is how we become a complete person. We embody a life in grace by acting from a spirit of generosity and wholeness.

"True wisdom is being able to say 'it is what it is' with a smile of celebratory wonder on your face."  — Eric Micha'el Leventhal

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