Saturday, July 25, 2015

Day 13 – Succeeding through Gratitude

When grace guides our thoughts and actions, our success will be fulfilling and meaningful. Today’s meditation shows us how the practice of gratitude can guide our success in an intelligent and compassionate direction. This type of success is different from the ego-driven success which seeks to hold, control, and keep the object of desire as a way to feel better about itself.
However, if your success is driven from gratitude and grace in your heart, then you are connected to your true self and your success always feels complete and fulfilling.

Our centering thought for today is:
I find true success through inner fulfillment.
Ron Alexander's photo.

"Having contentment and gratitude in the present moment is the surest way to achieve success."  — Bryant McGill


Om Kleem Shreem
I attract all divine abundance and blessings.

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