Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 10: Gratitude Expands Every Relationship

In today’s meditation, we explore how gratitude can transform all our relationships. It starts when you express gratitude or appreciation to another person. The transformation begins when you have the thought of gratitude and your brain translates that feeling into beneficial biochemical and neurological changes in your body. The feeling of gratitude also expands the heart, which has the effect of erasing old grievances and soothing resentments and petty differences we may have been holding onto.
Gratitude is wonderful in that it gives these same benefits to the body and heart of the giver as well as the receiver of gratitude. When someone is thanked or appreciated, they generate the same biochemical changes and feel the same expansion and healing of the heart. This back-and-forth flow of grace uplifts and opens every aspect of our relationship with that person.

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
Ron Alexander's photo.


Gratitude flows in a loving relationship.


I recognize my true essence in every soul I meet.

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