Saturday, June 20, 2015

What you see out there and what happens to you is a reflection of how you see yourself.

Sharyn Sambrick Ron Alexander, this was right under your post on my news feed just now . Of Course

Though more subtle I still see people quietly condemning themselves and so this bares repeating. Please feel free to comment. Your sharing your views are so helpful for others.

Myth IV

That if you have done something ‘bad’ or wrong or negative it must come back to you regardless of how you are now. ...

Sorry but all the time, energy follows thought. You are creator of all that you see and that happens to you. The Law of Karma is not about payback, it is about cause and effect. What you see out there and what happens to you is a reflection of how you see yourself. This reflection is now impacting you immediately.

If you are now choosing to see with the eyes of love. The eyes that love everything about You. Then that is what will be reflected back to you. No exception. What you experience as ‘negative” is purely old stories. Change the way you view yourself and not only will it appear differently it will fade and disappear from your experience. Everything becomes an opportunity to see possibility, to experience the love that you are.
So no matter how ‘bad’ you feel, or you think you have been, when you see it from the truth of you, which is as love incarnate, which is totally grateful and forgiving, then you no longer need it as a reflection in your world. It will only appear as an opportunity for you to know your Love.

So stop torturing yourself. No one is unworthy. The Law of Retribution is an illusion. You can “wipe the slate clean” in an instant of falling totally in love, no matter what you have appeared to have done.
Take a breath and hand on heart.
Shine On

I So Love You

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