Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The time of the lone wolf is over...

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over..
The prophecy of the Hopi Elders, 2000
Elena Salvador what's a "lone wolf", Ron?
Ron Alexander A "lone wolf" is like a super independent person Elena Salvador, as opposed to people who are interdependent. A community cannot be made of "lone wolf", they go out on their own. It is time for coming together in ComUnity! John Wayne was a "lone wolf" - so was this guy who killed all those people in the church here in Charleston. Does this make sense dear One?

    Elena Salvador lone wolf...those who? isolate thmselves from the society
  • Ron Alexander Yes, those who do not want comm-UNITY - those who rebel. However, we still want that independent spirit - BALANCE is what we need. If we become to inter-dependent, we might become co-dependent - we need to know how to say no to mob mentality.

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