Thursday, June 18, 2015

Prayers for Mother Emmanuel AME Church

Prayers for Mother Emmanuel AME Church
I woke up this morning to a text from my friend in Chicago who told me of the terrible tragedy in our city. Our hearts and thoughts and prayers go out to those directly affected by this shooting, and to all of us as we all are affected. My friend Don, who is a social worker in Chicago area, also wrote the following: "We do the work we do to bring love, understanding and nonviolence to as many people as we can reach. We must maintain our faith that our work is making an impact." Amen, Don and so it is. 
I will be attending the service today to be held at Noon, Morris Brown AME church on 13 Morris, downtown, 29403. If you can join me there, please do.
This Saturday at 10 AM, we will hold another prayer service at our church. It is open to to the public so spread the word to those needing comfort.
Prayers, prayers, prayers....
Rev. Ed

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