Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Halfway Recall and Remedy

Every mistake has a halfway moment, a split second when it can be recalled and perhaps remedied.
Pearl S. Buck (
Happened to me this AM - was at ATM, and a few minutes after I left, I realized I had left my card there. There was already another car at ATM, and I gingerly approached, since who wants someone coming up to them at ATM?  However, it was a beaming woman, who grabbed it from her dashboard, telling me that she was going to take it in the bank. Her smiling attitude helped turn around my day!

    Scotti Linden That's so cool...yes, Ron there are still people like that in this world...And when things like that happen I know for me it's a priceless 'gift' that I cherish forever!!! Your smile and sharing made m day too!!!

    Theda Parks Spirit was smiling on you! XOXO
  • Pamela Arrington We need more good stories to tell about the best of humanity than what we seem to get from today's media
    Lamar Holmes There are a lot of good peope in the world!
    Keenan W Robinson Hey Ron smile emoticon           
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