Sunday, June 28, 2015

Eternal LIFE! I believe in IT!

How do I know that LIFE is eternal? It's not because of what any scripture or preacher said. The reason I KNOW this is that I died once--and while I was "dead,"... I found that I was still very much alive, very conscious, more aware than ever--so MUCH more. Actually, when I came back into body consciousness....after the medical folks "revived" me, I felt less alive. But it was at that point that I began to pay attention to the still small voice in me that all along had been whispering to me the divine secrets of the ONE I AM, of which I now KNOW I AM an expression. (And so it is; and so are we ALL).

Tim Kraft: Fabulous testimony of truth Diana! Not everyone gets to experience this type of ''out of body'' experience! Yet we can learn from your experience. Excellent truth......
Diana It truly was a gift! And meant, ultimately, for our common edification.
Jan MagLaughlin: Not everyone is willing to die to experience eternal life. All one need do is to lay down who they believe they are to be who they truly are. Same outcome !!!
Diana A Robbins: Yes! No one needs to die to experience it. It is just how I was shown that LIFE is eternal. The only dying we need do is to die to the false, egoic self, that true self as LOVE might be remembered (resurrected)

Dannion Brinkley has written several good books on his amazing near death experience.

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