Saturday, May 23, 2015

Vietnam Vets Especially WELCOME HOME finally!

    Vivian R. Whorley Thanks to you Larry B Sarver I was there in DC the day the Vietnam Memorial opened. You drove around the block numerous times, waiting for me, until I could walk over to see Awesome historic day that I would have missed without your Vision
    Ron Alexander I went to a Men's group today at Unity specially designed to "Welcome Vets Home" thanks to leader and ManKind member Bruce Chodron . It was so therapeutic to vent to understanding men! When I saw a fellow Book Club member at Earthfare, she said "now, you have more space." Yes, I feel more "emptiness" - and able to be there for others! So more "Dancing with Emptiness"! Thanks for listening everybody - I feel WELL- Comed along my dear Brother

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