Friday, May 29, 2015

TUT's Adventurers Club came highly recommended

Jambo Ron!
Thanks for joining TUT's Adventurers Club! You'll soon start receiving your personalized Notes from the Universe.
The primary purpose of TUT is to provide you with a reminder service of life's everyday magic, how powerful you are, and how far you can reach. It's easy to lose sight of these truths, particularly living in a world that wants to insist that we are limited, aging creatures, stuck somewhere between luck and fate. A life properly lived is an easy life; it's not supposed to be hard, though we can make it that way with limited thinking, low expectations, or failing to see ourselves as we really are: infinite Beings of Light, fun loving gladiators of the Universe, adventurers just being human, with eternity before us and the power of our thoughts to shape it!
To catch you up on things at TUT, you might watch a few of our short videos on our Media Page. One is specifically about the daily Notes from the Universe. Another will help you better understand the overriding philosophy of "Thoughts Become Things." CLICK HERE!
Lastly, Ron, we didn't want a chance like this to go by without reminding you of how awesome you are! Without you, there wouldn't be an Adventurers Club, and far more importantly, without you, space, time, and everywhere ever thought of would be far less.
We're honored to include you among our founding members.
Yours in the adventure, Mike Dooley and The TUT Team
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ® © ®
P.S. Don't miss the P.S. at the bottom of each Note from the Universe. Some people say it's their favorite part! Scroll down to the bottom of every email!

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