Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pema on Meditation (Why Meditate?)

Why Meditate       Pema Chodron
We don’t meditate to be better meditators. We meditate to become more aware.

When we sit down to meditate we leave behind the idea of the perfect meditator, the ideal meditation, preconceived results. We train in simply being present. We open ourselves completely to the pain and pleasure of our life. We train in precision, gentleness and letting go. Because we see our thoughts and emotions with  compassion, we stop struggling against ourselves. We can learn to recognize when we’re all caught and to trust we can let go.
 Thus the blockages created by our habits and prejudices start falling apart. In this way, the wisdom we were blocking – the wisdom of bodhichitta – becomes available.

 Establish Being, Take Action
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Meditation is a powerful tool for self-awareness, but the job is only half-done if we don't take action based on this awareness.



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