Sunday, May 3, 2015

Much like the "red pill" in the Matrix (a friend answers about Ayahuasca)

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

I am going to tell you the truth about my own spiritual awakening, but first you must know that I have been on the path for enlightenment since I was twelve years old. Over the course of many decades, I read all the books, tried all the practices, and even traveled around the world in the quest for spiritual awakening. From time to time, I thought I had found it, but one way or another, I was blindly mistaken.
As I was still lost and very much asleep, I became desperate to find answers. I heard about this strange plant medicine that grows in the Amazon that has the ability to exponentially raise consciousness – facilitating healing and awakening. Because I was willing to do anything in order to heal the issues in my life and to finally wake up, in 2009, I traveled to the Amazonian Jungle in Peru and I drank the mysterious tea of Ayahuasca.

I won’t lie to you, Ayahuasca was a great deal more than I bargained for. It dragged me through the dark recesses of my own mind, exposing all that I had hidden from myself, and challenging me in ways I never could have imagined, but four long nights in the jungle completely changed my life. However, it didn’t end there.
Through a series of journeys with this sacred medicine, over the course of a few years, I healed all my issues, resolved all my fears and broke through all my limitations – ultimately I woke up. It wasn’t easy, by any means, and it required more courage than I even knew I had, but Ayahuasca provided the experiential answers I had been seeking for an entire lifetime.

Ayahuasca stripped away all that was not me, and what remained was my real self, and a connection to the Divine that has filled me from the inside out, ever since. Ayahuasca delivered me to extraordinary heights of profound awareness and transformed how I see the world. Aya showed me how to live my life from the awakened state as Conscious Creator and how to teach others to do the same. Much of what I know, teach and write about today is a result of Aya and the knowledge, wisdom and insight I received during sacred ceremonies.
As I prepared for my first journey in 2009, I quickly discovered that there was tremendous mystery around Ayahuasca, and although I did everything I could to prepare, I was completely unprepared for the experience, or for how the experience would change me and the way I live my life. With the intention of helping others prepare for Ayahuasca and integrate Ayahuasca, I wrote the book, “Out of the Jungle” – the Beginners Guide to Ayahuasca, and I also share this article with you now. It is my intention to take the mystery out of Ayahuasca and to provide down-to-earth information for those considering this sacred medicine.
Before we go on, I want to add, Ayahuasca is not for everyone, and I rarely suggest it to my friends or clients, unless they bring it up, or I sense they are ready. Ayahuasca is very much like the “red pill” in the Matrix – but far more potent and life-changing. So anyone considering this plant based medicine must be emotionally and spiritually ready, but even if you are ready, it will still rock your world.
Yes, and then some. It literally saved my life Ron. It was a miracle that I had friends who traveled in circles that could bring it to me when I needed it the most. The healing that has occurred over the past nine years of doing this medicine regularly has been incredibly profound. It feels like it has changed my DNA . And he is right. This work is not right for probably most people. It is physically hard on the body and if you don't have the proper guides, instruction and support, it could be more traumatic than healing. It really felt to me though that life REALLY started when I started doing Diame. ( Look it up. But please don't share with anyone that I do this. It's less about me and more about my friend's who practice medicine keeping their anonymity.)


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