Thursday, May 14, 2015

More on Pema, self-acceptance and meditation

I have sat in silence in meditation at a "Buddhist" monastery for a total of 23 days - ten days one time, ten another and then 3 days the last time. And I knew all this pain was coming out because of my toxic resentment/anger of my Mother shockingly disinheriting me (the last of her 5 sons) and Brother Barry dying in Vietnam (they are related as he was the apple of my Mom's eye). And these poisons almost killed me twice - with "ultrasevere" sleep apnea a couple of years ago and then with a blocked (3rd degree) heart last year - led to pacemaker implant). I knew they were toxic but did not understand that I had to accept this anger with the underlying pain. I was beating myself up with guilt and shame - trying everything but self-acceptance. Now that is my path, and it is a path of healing by creatively expressing this anger - realizing that it is a normal part of grief and that it is part of war soldiers bring home with themselves and it is toxic to the whole family especially to Mothers and Brothers (like me who was not in war because he was).
Ron Alexander's photo.
Nancy Odle Spot on...and being comfortable with that and not letting anyone take it away. Gently, calmly...steady on til morning light... heart emoticon

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