Sunday, May 31, 2015

More on Dannion and his Twilight Brigade (no vet. should die alone)

    Debbie Strandell-Johnson Ron Alexander, I am familiar with Dannion Brinkley, though have not heard of his *Twilight Brigade*. Speaking from my heart and also as a nurse, NO ONE should die alone. It pains me that my son did, and sometimes that's just the way it is, though I would always try to be with someone who was dying. It's an honor to sit quietly with someone as they pass into spirit heart emoticon Many people would ask me how I could be around so much death and isn't that depressing? I would tell them NO, not for me. It was a very spiritual experience, and like I said, I felt (spiritually) honored to be there with them. All those many experiences grew my heart and soul in ways words could never convey. heart emoticon
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  • Ron Alexander Yes, Debbie Strandell-Johnson, I was with Mom when she breathed her last breath, and since I don't believe in death of the Spirit, I am completely comfortable there. Also, the most fulfilling work I have done is with Life-threatened young adults at Dr. Jerry Jampolsky,s Center for Attitudinal Healing - Attitudinal Healing International. So my question is - if I continue with the Digital Stories? Do I concentrate on families - Mothers, (Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Good Friends), like you left behind or just drop it. Could you and I create a non-profit for families like ours? I do appreciate your thorough replies. Blessings and Love, Ron (here is Dannion and Jay at a Twilight Brigade parade on Memorial Day. He is from Aiken, S.C., but seems to have his biggest following in California. He used to have a training program for a Twilight Hospice, but awaiting to hear from him about that?

  • Debbie Strandell-Johnson I am not drawn to doing the non-profit...right now anyway! I allow life to unfold as it will, and I AM pleasantly surprised at what pops up, so I never say never, lol! I will just say from experience that when I follow my heart and my intuition, I land right where I'm supposed to BE in that moment, even when it is not what I expected at times. I have also learned that delays are not denials, because my experience has been that when I AM prepared to take on a life experience, it will be there for me. So many times I have dreamed of doing this or that only to find that it was years before those opportunities presented themselves within other experiences. There seems to be a connection Ron Alexander! Let's just say that I've learned to TRUST in life unfolding for my highest and best evolution, and I leave the timing to God/Universe heart emoticon
    • Debbie Strandell-Johnson You answered your own question really with the Charles F. Glassman quote, which is really all I've been saying, lol! Life never seems to be a straight line from A to B!

    Ron Alexander "Charles F. Glassman" ??? What quote - I am really interested and thanks for your feedback - helps me to "relax" into knowing Divine will lead me on my path and to enjoy it along the way.
      Debbie Strandell-Johnson The one up above grin emoticon "Faith is knowing that when life doesn't go quite as planned, it is, in fact, exactly as planned." Ron Alexander wrapping you in big hugs xoxoxo
  • Ron Alexander Wow, i got so much out of that post and did not even read his name. - "BIG HUGS" THANKS SO MUCH DEAR DEBBIE!

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