Tuesday, May 26, 2015

More by Joy on Compassion

A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life. - Christopher Germer
what kind of day would you experience today?
a day of perfect peace,
of dis-belief
a friendly universe
where all forces are working
a shared purpose,
celebration and gratitude
all enemies,
but the deepest friends
are your heart
cast out,
this judgment chosen
over love
the list of grievances
against Source
isn't it time
to look closely
at each place within you
you have denied, shamed,
hidden, tried to pretend
didn't exist,
the child you've kept
in the closet her whole
that revolting image
we see in the news?
our own shining star
nothing could be
closer to the truth
than a mirror
only Compassion
is called for
to compass
to find
and feel
in every cell of your body
this center,
this Origin
what dear, kind thing
would you do first
for this child of you
whose been kept
locked in the dark
for so many years?
let this be my question

how can i love
this one?
- Thanks Joy!

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