Saturday, May 30, 2015

Look Within to find God

Healing Light's photo.
Today's Message - Everything you need truly is within you... just listen! ~ heart emoticon ~

Richard Kent Matthews Unfortunately, for 1600 years, the Church has taught differently. God is outside. We are worthless. And deserve hell. But HE has seen fit to save us from our nasty fallen state. To say god is within is heresy. God cannot live where sin is the master. And that's us. So, god there, us here, the chasm cannot be crossed. Except by Jesus, who holds us by the scruff of the neck over the fire, saying, Believe in me or I let go. That's what Daddy told me to do. Not any of those other false spiritual geniuses. That's the belief of at least a billion point five people on the planet. Can that chasm ever be bridged? Can you convince all those folks that there really is a god within and not just a Satanic New Age falsehood? Hard to say.

Terry Orr
May 29 at 6:21pm
Well Richard, I was raised as a "Christian", and at the age of 8, I attended a Christian youth camp, where I accepted Jesus as my savior. The subsequent "high" was unlike anything I had experienced up to that time. Later, at around 21, I decided to get baptized (again) to renew my faith. It was only after many years of study and other experiences, that I realized there is a lot more to it, than proclaiming or thinking I am "born again" (another silly phrase). In later years, I have been able to sort out most of the blind indoctrinations of youth, and have come to realize that "belief" is one of the worst thing that can befall a person - because "belief" is what blocks us from the unknown. I no longer call myself a Christian because I see no point doing so. Let's remember, Jesus wasn't a Christian either.
Terry Orr
I agree Richard. Regardless of the basis in metaphysical meaning, preaching things like "Jesus died for our sins and by his blood he set us free" is silly meaningless nonsense to most people who weren't culturally indoctrinated to parrot such phrases. What does matter, is how we conduct ourselves on a daily basis regardless of whichever religion we were born to. If someone comes to me and says "I believe in Jesus", my thought is "So what? What are you doing about it?". (Our salvation is our own responsibility, Ron Alexander)

Let's remember that Truth is universal. There is no such thing as Christian misery distinguished from Muslim misery for example. As such, the remedy is universal as well. There is no value converting people from one religion to another religion. Rather, conversion from misery to happiness is the best.

Keenan W Robinson Truly awesome ♡

Richard Kent Matthews The whole point of challenging is not to make me right, but to stir up questions in the mind of the challenged. When we make statements, about our, shall we say, beliefs, we leave ourselves open. And that is as it should be. The greatest belief, if you will, is uncertainty. And I am open to being challenged on that. As far as me being anti, I am anti only one thing: Hurting others. As is the expression: Do the most good, the least harm.


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