Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Good Morning after Resting in...

Ron Alexander Of course, I sometimes had a hard time awaking in my childhood, and the same happened today, And I gave myself permission to sleep in..."need do nothing!"
Terry Orr Good for you Ron! It's true, sometimes its best to do nothing in spite of our mind screaming that we has oh so much to do. The trick is to learn to listen to our bodies as much as we listen to our unruly minds. smile emoticon

Ron Alexander Thanks Terry Orr, yes, coming from a workalcholic background - it is hard for me to rest in - but I have had a very busy productive last few days, and was happy I obeyed my body! Biorhythm is important too, as I have nice energy this afternoon - well needed! If I had not rested in, I may have needed a siesta?

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