Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Anger as a gift...

Ella Travinsky's photo.
"Anger is not something terrible that's happening. It's like an alarm clock that lets you know it's time to question what you believe. What a gift." ~ Byron Katie
Ron Alexander: Good to see Byron Katie talking about the "gift" of anger...remember when so many got angry about my saying love your anger - it is part of you and embracing it can mean you can use the energy of it for positive purposes. Some even mixed up "anger" with "hatred" - well, I hope you can change your mind?

Jax Byrne: It's like being angry at our bodies for being sick. Everything is an invitation to be used for our awakening. 'All things are lessons God would have me learn' grin emoticon
Ron Alexander Anger is a normal part of grieving - we get angry at our beloveds for leaving us, yet they are deeply in our hearts forever, thanks Jax Byrne
Jax Byrne yes, we use anger to try to offset the deep love we fee

Ron Alexander And we feel abandoned...

Jax Byrne rejected............

  • Jax Byrne relate so much to this Ron

    Jax Byrne anger can seem 'safer' than love

  • Ron Alexander Then we get angry at all of our "bargaining thoughts" - Why now? Why them? What am I going to do? Why not me? etc.

    Stephanie Deaton Anger is the waking up from apathy.....a pathway towards finding love within x

    Jax Byrne love that Stephanie. heart emoticon

    Ron Alexander Thanks Stephanie, Jax and Courtney - Pema has my fav. comment on anger:


    Stephanie Deaton Isn't the awakening process fun smile emoticon Jax smile emoticon
    Stephanie Deaton Yes, Ron, Pema has such brilliant wisdom x

    Jax Byrne only when I stop resisting it Stephanie, lol tongue emoticon

  • Ron Alexander "fun" - like that Stephanie! Might as well, if aware, we can make a joyful choice - a shining moment out of about anything...

  • Jax Byrne really enjoying and soaking up this thread, and remembering that Love can use every crazy story I ever made up for my awakening wink emoticon

    Terry Orr Ron. Putting aside the locust-swarm of New Age hucksters (I'm not including Pema here), What do you think is the basic nature of anger? Reducing it to its most bare elements, what is the fundamental cause?
    Ron Alexander LOSS! Grief - starting when very young - when as a child you are abused, and somehow you know that the wounding is not right, that you don't deseve it, and I think verbal and emotional abuse is just as bad maybe worse than physical! Terry Orr and Jax Byrne
    The loss of my dear Brother in an unjust war has produced immense anger in me, which I am still working on.
    Jax Byrne really enjoying and soaking up this thread, and remembering that Love can use every crazy story I ever made up for my awakening wink emoticon
    22 hrs · Unlike · 2
  • Stephanie Deaton We can watch someone else's path with loving eyes and know everything is perfect, the way it shows up. I am in awe of mysteries life and the way we can authentically choose to see things
  • Jax Byrne beyond anger, is trust grin emoticon

    Phil Snider heart emoticon "ALL things are lessons God would have me learn" heart emoticon THANK YOU, Jax, for mentioning the 'resistence facter'. Without resistence, i am an 'OPEN-MINDED OBSERVER; in 'open-minded observing, LEARNING HAPPENS NATURALLY, and is what 'time is for'. heart emoticon LEARNING to REMEMBER GOD is: TIME USED CONSTRUCTIVELY heart emoticon
  • Jax Byrne Phil, as always, so appreciate your clarity heart emoticon


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