Saturday, May 9, 2015

A very inspiring poem by Rev. Ed Kosak of Charleston Unity

From Last Sunday at Bowens Island:
Sacred Ache
Sometimes we need a God with skin. And sometimes...
When there is a deep loneliness,
when there's a terrible ache that simply cannot be assuaged by any person or thing or drug or food,
when there is longing as deep as the sea,
when there are unhealthy urges so strong,
when there is an emptiness that knows no bottom,
when there is a feeling of I am no good,
when life lacks purpose...
It is at times like these that I quit blaming everyone for these experiences and I go to the source which fills up that deep ache and puts a balm on that deep longing. That sacred ache leads me to my oneness with you my God, my Lord, my Christ, my Yahweh, sweet spirit, Allah, great creator, Unified field, pure potentiality, evolutionary impulse of the universe, creative Drive which makes all, Nirvana, Krishna consciousness, pure consciousness, source and substance, pure intelligence, underpinning of everything that is...
I look to the experience of you to soothe the Sacred Ache. I look to the experience of you to complete me, though in truth I am you. You are the life of my life, the breath of my breath, the heart of my heart, flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone.
You are in every cell muscle fiber feeling and thought. You ARE every muscle cell fiber feeling and thought of my being.
You are me, I am you. And together, the sacred ache is diminished.

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