Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Very Valuable of how to Forgive yourself and heal your Inner Child!

What if I take responsibility for all that happens in my life?
And I mean All
The good, the bad and the ugly!?
Then I am no longer a victim of the whim of some ...god or person or parent etc.
I know that as I own my experiences I find I am empowered!
I may not be completely aware, yet, how I create all of my experiences.
As I observe my life I can follow my thoughts and my actions and look forward and backward in a linear way to see the repeated patterns. ( I might even get really annoyed or pissed off at what I have allowed to happen when I see the patterns emerge. But, I can stop observe and change. Forgive myself. And know it is only a matter of changing perceptions. Really!!!
There is much that I learned early in life that is stored in the mind.
Knowing that I heard everything and adapted to my circumstances as a child. I was just making sure I survived!! I must now remember that the stories I live from were perceived and stored by a little child!! To keep me safe! Keep me alive
Since I realize this, I have the power to now change those thoughts. Make new neural pathways with new thoughts filled with love rather than fear!!! Those were after all someone else's fears I was adopting! So what if from those thoughts stored in the subconscious have at times made me a victim in the past. That was then. This is now!! Who I truly am is now in charge and I change the perceptions as I notice the thoughts surface.
I say YES!! I am empowered. I do my life with Love. I choose now my perceptions, my thoughts. Letting those that no longer serve or fit float away changing to a higher form. I am a being of Love and Light. I state it, and it is done and the Universe, Source, The All That Is says, YES!!
Is it really this simple?
Oh yeah!! Simple.
But truly it does take practice. In each moment I am thinking and feeling my way out of duality into a Universe of Peace & Love!
It's here now in this moment!!
I am that I Am!!
© Jocelyn Chalmers
MaryRose Winkler "you already know the problem, stop analyzing and feel the feeling yes" (which we all need to remember yes?)
Ron Alexander LIKE: Andy Skadberg Light Message: I Am NOT a victim of God's abandonment, wrath or vengeance. I Am 100% God, supplied through my eternal breath and infinite love and abundance, flourishing, thriving and creating all of the aspects of my life. I have ceased repeating victim stories and have now digested the lessons to be gleaned and harvested from all of my experiences throughout all of my incarnations and those of my family to be fully present, trading, brokering and sharing on The Cosmic Stock Exchange. I accept full responsibility for this Divine Gift, continually expressing my full gratitude and appreciation to God, Love, All That Is as a fully Breath Conscious aspect of God trading as Andrew Skadberg.

Ron Alexander So you must like Andy's message above dear MaryRose Winkler? Aren't both of you saying the same thing?

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