Thursday, April 30, 2015

To Me Balance is the Key

"The Buddha encouraged his students to be always mindful of the Middle Way by neither allowing suffering to overwhelm them nor pleasure to infatuate them." ALONG THE PATH, Kory Goldberg and Michelle De Cary  
Ron Alexander: I have found balance is the key. I think The Buddha was right - take a middle path. Don't get attached to the material, as well as don't get attached to the spiritual, as things are changing all the time anyway. Being a Libra means inherently looking for the balance. Thanks Craig and of course dear Angel MaryRose Winkler. I know we are in Reality - Angels in disguise, except MaryRose has taken hers off thankfully!

According to Buddhism, individuals and societies as a whole have a tendency toward either a predominantly material or spiritual view of life. The negative effects of the materialism that pervades the modern industrialized world are apparent at every level of society, from environmental destruction to spiritual impoverishment. Simply rejecting materialism out of hand, however, amounts to idealism or escapism and undermines our ability to respond constructively to life's challenges.

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