Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Middle Way | Buddhism - Makes so much sense to me

The Middle Way | Buddhism | Soka Gakkai International (SGI)

Buddha rejected the self-punishing way of the yogi back then - to starve oneself, twist oneself into pretzels, etc. in order to get rid of past karma and prepare for enlightenment. He understood that the present was left out - punishing oneself for the past to get rid of the future. So his Middle way was not to get attached to either - self - abuse or to pleasure - to go right in between. These are my words, Ron - the writing down below should clarify:
Buddha's Middle Way makes so much sense to me: According to Buddhism, individuals and societies as a whole have a tendency toward either a predominantly material or spiritual view of life. The negative effects of the materialism that pervades the modern industrialized world are apparent at every level of society, from environmental destruction to spiritual impoverishment. Simply rejecting materialism out of hand, however, amounts to idealism or escapism and undermines our ability to respond constructively to life's challenges. Ron Alexander

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