Monday, April 20, 2015

The Mad Max Fast and Furious Syndrome

Riding the bike out to Bowens Island really brought it home about dangerous FAST AND FURIOUS most people drive, and a couple of miles out of about 5 does not even have bikepaths. Thoreau called it "'quiet desperation" - to me the symptom appears to be MAD MAX VERY NOISY DESPERATION so many people seem to have symptoms of tragically - especially to bike riders and hikers...

Jeeni Zucchini It's as if you read my mind, Ron! Yesterday I watched "I I AM - The Film. have been contemplating having more than one needs as a mental illness.
Ron Alexander "'having more than one needs" a mental illness, thanks so much Jeeni Zucchini - a friend just visited me here near Charleston, who knew me when I had 2 boats, 2 cars and a beach house over a 100 miles north of here. She noted how much more centered and happier I appeared here with only a bike and a small apartment. And of course equanimity achieved by meditation/mindfulness really helps. We have a Unity Charleston SC book group usiing MINDFULNESS IN PLAIN ENGLISH by "Gaurant..." (?). Great book and meditating more meaning I am living in Mindfulness more - yea!


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