Friday, April 24, 2015

Sounds good however I have some relationships that the other person does not seem interested in healing

Unfundamentalist Christians's photo.

Tony Dickens I think we all have those Ron. I just send healing energy their way and let the Universe work it out.
Ron Alexander Well, one or two will probably have to be worked out in Spirit, which has appeared to happen with my Mom who died a few years ago angry with me. I did not know she was angry with me as she never confronted me, and died at 87. I found out a few months later, when she shockingly disinherited me. She has come back as an Angel a couple of times soothing my Spirit. Now, it is her Sis my Aunt Laura Jo, who has appeared to listen to lies and half-truths (the same he told my Mom) of my manic-depressive troubled nephew, and will not even answer my calls to her. She is 89 now and has always been extremely loyal (co-dependent) with one person and is very gullible. First it was her late husband, then my Mom, and now my nephew (the only one). I have sent her many cards and many affirmative messages on her phone. I send loving vibes to both her and my nephew, the only two members of the family left. Of course, it does not help that she turns on Fox new in AM and leaves it on all day, and is always commenting on how awful Obama is, and me voting for Obama probably led to the disinheritance and future one from my Aunt - alot of acres on a lake with mountains in the background, This has been in the family since the 1690's. Sometimes, I feel moderates and progressives ought to get going a big collective lawsuit against Fox News, as my family was not like that before. Bless their hearts!

Tony Dickens Ron, Ron's mom and Aunt Laura Jo Through love ALL things are possible.
Ron Alexander Please include nephew Barry thanks!
Tony Dickens Barry

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