Thursday, April 16, 2015

Problem with 12 steps and the Seeker Bill W. (who tried LSD and Ram Dass with Timothy Leary)

Ron Alexander Think AA needs to support Greater Power is within as well as without - more mystical/metaphysical?

MaryRose Winkler YES YES YES that IS the issue Ron, they promote the external, all the while giving the message to DEtach from the internal and the INTERNAL is where the LIFE IS absolutely... Ron Alexander

Kay Brown MaryRose Winkler and Ron Alexander. I'm going to drop names here. My Father knew Bill W. Met him at a couple of international AA conventions. My Dad was the Northern California delegate to the Annual meeting in New York. He served for 2 years. So that's where he met Bill first. I have pictures. My Mother, a member of Al-a-non, was a delegate for 3 years. The two organizations were totally separate, until the last day of the conventions, when they put both groups on buses and took them to Stepping Stones, Bill and Lois' home. Mom and Dad served only 1year together. I'm only telling y'all this as background for what I'm going to quote my Dad.
After the day's events were done, a bunch of the guys would go hang out and talk.
My Dad said of these get togethers, :" Boy could Bill talk. It was more of a lecture, rather than a discussion. " He told me that he enjoyed hearing Bill W. like this, that he would take off in different directions.
What I came away from this (me) is that Bill never stopped his spiritual quest. By this time in AA, these delegates were approving all literature that was to be released under the AA approved literature. Though Bill wrote a significant amount of the original Big Book, it had to be approved by the 100 first members. All royalties from the Big Book went to Bill and Lois during their lives.
Okay, I'm saying the Bill W. Learning experience did not translate into AA approved literature. Like the interview you linked, these are the bits and pieces we have. Did y'all know, he did LSD? He did it under a psychiatrist. More than once. I was in Al-a-teen at this time and it was prior to all the negative reports. But many in AA were talking about it. And mostly the opinion was : oh you know Bill Wilson, always searching. I don't remember anyone talking about it after the negative press. I think way back when, people understood that each person had their own path.
Sorry I went on like this. Hope you found it interesting.

    Kay Brown One more thing, I think Bill was trying to recreate his spiritual experience with the LSD. I think that makes sense.
  • MaryRose Winkler I LOVE IT Kay Brown

    He was always seeking? I LOVE IT Kay Brown
  • MaryRose Winkler Having said that, it was the same as Timothy Leary, the INTENTION was to find a way to reach the soul... like many of the DMT users now... it isn't the DMT its the user and the intention that makes the difference... right now with DMT their experimenting with DMT to use on terminally ill patience, to make the end of life more valuable and less painful, who knows we know SO LITTLE and yet our egos think we are so incredibly smart and that in itself is an arrogance brought on by ignorance yes?

    I believe the planet & its treasures all have value when used properly, when misused it creates grief & chaos...

    Personally I don't think the people who created the initial chemicals / roundup blah blah had bad intentions AT ALL, their intentions were pure, they just didn't know the POWER they were dealing with and it got away from them...

    Its no different then the creator of FRANKENSTEIN & Frankenstein turning on the creator because he was so miserable... or the Jerkyl / Hyde theories, now when you think about it, J & H are perfect example for bipolar isn't it?

    We're old enough to know much of this and have seen it progress, change values, I mean even ADHD was just a hyper kid 40 years ag o yes? NOW we understand more... incredible how each generation progresses a half a percent and how ironic that we think we know it all ....

    What also amazes me is that so many on the groups I'm on think that these drugs just started this way, the history of drugs is riddled with experience, its been around forever, we are just discovering another aspect of it as we move forward in the 1/2 % progress we make in each generation yes? Kay Brown

    Ron Alexander Ram Dass (Dr. Richard Alpert) started the LSD movement with Timothy Leary, but broke away when he found he could reach that spiritual enlightenment through meditation, prayer, service and have an enlightened teacher. I was in a Satsang with him, when Ram was blocked from an attack by a Timothy Leary supporter (he was in prison) shouting "you broke away from the LSD movement, you betrayed Timothy Leary." Ram kept moving his prayer beads while this angry guy was thrown out of building and not allowed in. I had noticed him earlier as the only one smoking and pacing in the outer hall. Soon afterwards, Ram Dass gave up playlng the "guru" and started an important Service project - "Seva" which I think is still going strong as is Ram at 90 something years old.

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