Sunday, April 12, 2015

ONE big reason we may feel that our world is unloving

I think we have a largely unloving world, because of lack of self-love. However I have gotten self-love re-started this morning I chanted as I mindfully walked a labyrinth (Unity): I AM LOVE AND LOVE IS FOR GIVING. I AM A SACRED WORTHY LUMINOUS BEING. These wonderful inspirational mantra are on a bracelet and card put out by powerful supportive Shaman Tom Pinkson. I highly recommend ordering them from him. Also, there is a CD he put out with a fun song emphasizing those words. and his book on aging is strongly inspiring to us elders. Good idea for a self-love letter, Wendy. I think a lack of self-love is a big problem in our world (I know it is for me personally).

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