Wednesday, April 1, 2015

NOW! Helping Hurting Vietnam Vets.

A really hurting Vietnam vet. came to sit by me in Chick Filet this morning, and I was able to talk to him about my brother Barry being an Angel in Vietnam, and showed him the new digital story. He was so glad to hear positive things about Vietnam. And this come on email:

 Ron...I'm on the road and will return to SC On May 4. I would be happy to speak in Charleston about my work. I'm also doing book signings noe for my newest release entitled WITH THE FLIP OF A COIN, also aVietnam related novel about war and healing. Many feel this is my best work yet on the subject. I can set up engagements while I'm still traveling so let's get on the calendar soon for May. Thanks for getting the word out. 

Many blessings...J

John W Fisher DC
Director: CORE Viet Nam

Author: Angels in Vietnam, Not Welcome Home, The War After the War

All books available at on-line book stores and autographed copies at

Senior Veteran Liaison for Soldiers Heart
Hi, Ron
I watched this video several times over 2 days, trying to fully
appreciate it. It is a poignant and deeply moving tribute to your brother,
Barry. It certainly affirms his life and service.Your devotion to and love for
him is a witness to the man he was and the brother you still are to him today.
Yes, Spirit is the word.
Thank you for sharing. It helped me,

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