Thursday, April 30, 2015

Mirrors to Interiors...

Tony Dickens
Mirrors to interiors......I've said this for many moons now......I'm certain I'm not the first to say it or think it. I've seen it throughout my life in my own as well as others. Very often the very thing one accuses others of is the very thing that exists in themselves that they are blind to. Negative personal encounters are a reflection quite often of something that exists in YOU. Anytime someone has an issue with me I immediately search in myself to see if I'm the cause.....this comes from YEARS of metaphysical training. Once I realize it's not me, my conscience is clear, then I realize it's the other person, but my assumption is ALWAYS that there's something in myself to explore. If my conscience actually bothers me then I make amends, apologize and move on. If I'm wrong my conscience is extremely active and I won't sleep until restitution is made. At some point, when you realize it's not you, then you have to let the other person go in LOVE. No judgment. LOVE. <3 :="" nbsp="" span="">

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