Thursday, April 2, 2015

Living Without Fear


Today, I cultivate the art of having faith. I affirm the reality of the Divine Presence in my life and deny everything that refutes it. As a child turns to its parents, so do I turn to that infinite Presence whose creative Law can do all things, and I accept the influx of all that makes for richer living. BECAUSE NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GOD. I believe nothing is IMPOSSIBLE TO ME THROUGH GOD’S POWER IN ME. I am daring to believe in the greater good. I am forsaking all that has held me in bondage, and, uniting myself with faith, with expectation, with joy, I NOW LIVE WITHOUT FEAR.  Ernest Holmes

Ron Alexander LIKE: As a child turns to its parents, so do I turn to that infinite Presence...What is it you call this Dr. Dean A. Banks
Dean A. Banks Omniparience!

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